Kids of Kiwi Camping!

Kiwi Conservation Club Stories and creations

Kids of Kiwi Camping!
Community Kids of Kiwi Schlaepfer Park

Schlaepfer Park


May 2016

  • In March I went to Girl Guide camp at Schlaepfer Park, Pukekohe. I built a shelter in the bush from a tarp and some ropes and got to sleep in it overnight. I heard lots of noises in the bush at night, I think I heard a Kiwi. There were lots of Kereru flying overhead and I heard their beating wings before I saw them.

    It was so peaceful in the bush even with lots of people around. I also saw Tuis and some Wetas and there were lots of white flowers from the Houhere/lacebark trees. I had so much fun.

    • Eloise and her shelter

      Eloise and her shelter

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