Kids of Kiwi Camping!

Kiwi Conservation Club Stories and creations

Kids of Kiwi Camping!
Community Kids of Kiwi Mysterious Hitch hiker!

Mysterious Hitch hiker!

Nikau & Arlo

May 2017

  • Wild Things Comp Winners – Autumn 2017

    A few weeks ago after a big storm we were exploring Collingwood beach and found a whole lot of shells with weird white lumps on them. It was hard but if you squeezed it it had a clear jelly in the middle.

    Mum had never seen them before and neither had any friends or family that we asked, so we uploaded a photo onto the iNaturalist app and had it identified as Arabic Volute. It’s an egg from a type of shell, so cool!

    We also drew pictures of it to send to our grandma.

    By Nikau (6) and Arlo (4)

    • Getting a closer look

      Getting a closer look

    • Arabic Volute

      Arabic Volute

    • Nikau's drawing for Grandma

      Nikau's drawing for Grandma

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